16 Hours |
>> Itinerary: 6:00 - 22:00 hrs |
2 - 12 Persons |
1. Visit to The Lost Jaguar Temple in the Jungle
>> Lost in the Maya Jungle, the Jaguar Temple got its name because of the felines motifs decorating the frieze found inside the main pyramidal structure. His occupation takes place in the Late Preclassic Time, while its peak lies in the Classic period; in the early Post Classic Time gets its decline.
>> The core
group consists of two squares, wich only the north square has been excavated.
This is where is located the frieze crowning a palace called House of the Four
Kings, referring to the four characters that appear on it. >> The frieze is the most important monument made of modeling polychrome stucco, with an height of 1.75 meters and a length of 16.8 meters. It was made between 550 and 650 AC. The scene represents an allegory of the order of the universe with figures of serpents and jaguars. Great iconographic wealth, reading to detail it reveals the complex conceptual world of the ancient Maya. >> The dynastic cycle is matched to the solar cycle, in this conception, the ascension to the throne is illustrated by the king out of the jaws of the earth monster, like the sun out of the mouth of the Earth. The king's death is seen as a sunset, when it falls into the mouth of the earth monster.
>> This activity consists of a guided tour inside the Jaguar Temple Archaeological Site in which besides visiting the various monuments in this beautiful place surrounded by the lush jungle we are gonna visit the Temple of the Jaguar, this temple is the principal pyramidal base of this place as it is one of the few monuments that you can enter and know these monuments from the inside.
2. Guided Tour in Calakmul Archaeological Site
Calakmul is a pre-Hispanic Mayan archaeological site, located in the nucleus of the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve a few kilometers from the border with Guatemala. The site covers approximately 70 kmē and has more than 6000 structures, Calakmul became the capital of a regional state of approximately 13000 kmē, having been, together with Tikal, El Mirador and Palenque, one of the main regional powers during the period classic of the Mayan culture.
The great importance of Calakmul lies in being the most important Mayan City of the Petenes in Mexico, as well as the largest Mayan City that is known, in our country in it we can find the largest and most impressive pyramids of the Mayan Culture of our country.
>> This activity consists of a guided tour within The Archeological Zone of Calakmul which besides knowing the various monuments in this beautiful place surrounded by the lush jungle of Calakmul we can visit an ancient ball game and the three main pyramidal bases that exists in the archaeological site, including the structure II which is 40 meters long by 40 meters wide by 55 meters high being the second tallest structure of the Mayan Culture in Mexico just after the pyramid of Tonina in Chiapas
3. Calakmul Rainforest Biosphere Walk Through
The Calakmul
Biosphere Reserve was declared a Natural Protected Area by UNESCO in 1989, is a
region of rainforest that has a high biological diversity. It have been recorded
358 species of birds, 75 species of reptiles, 18 species of amphibians, 31 of
fish, and about 380 species of butterflies and 86 species of mammals, among
which of course the Jaguar, which has in this reserve one of the largest
populations of Central America.
>> We will conduct a walk in the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, where you can admire the lush vegetation, a incredible ladscapes, a lot of birds, and we'll find some species in the reserve as the Monkey Spider Monkey Howler, the White-tailed Deer, The Coati The Ocellated Turkey, Small Eagles etc.
4. Tour to Bats Volcano in Rainforest
The Bats
Volcano is a daytime shelter that has a vast amount of bats of eight different
species of which six are essentially insectivorous and eats fruit. This is an
appropriate place for rest, reproduction and protection against natural
predators. This cave is considered among the ten most important caves in the
world wich conservation is a priority in Mexico.
>> We will carry out a small hike in the jungle of Calakmul to the entrance of The Bats Volcano and wait for the sunset to observe as they come out of the cave, also if we are lucky we will see some of their predators like hawks and snakes waiting outside of the cave to hunt them.
2 Persons: $4400 MXN P.P Private Tour
3 Persons: $3600 MXN P.P |
- 12 Persons: $3200 MXN P.P |
Minors From 6 to 12 Years: $3200 MXN P.P
>> If you two persons and need a economic fee you can ask for avaliability on a Shared Tour or check our Chetumal Bus Shuttle option
>> Conservation fees are per person and Includes the following:
>> Transportation From Hotel in Bacalar or Chetumal - Jaguar Temple - Calakmul Archaeological Site - Bat Cave - Hotel
>> Regional Breakfast Included Includes; Different Type of Eggs, or Pankakes, bread, and Coffe or Fruit Water, >> We also have vegan options if needed
>> Entrance to Calakmul Archaeological Site >> Guided Visit in Calakmul with a specialized guide >> Walk throw in Calakmul Biosphere with a specialized guide in nature >> Entrance to Calakmul Biosphere and Conhuas Fee >> Bats Volcano Volcano Trip with Local Guide <<
>> Donation to Jaguar Conservation Project |
> Departing Points < Bacalar Hotels Chetumal Hotels
>> We also have a more economic option for 2 persons in a Bus Shuttle departing from Chetumal one day before, and overnight in Xpujil, this tour includes transportation in ADO Bus from Chetumal, and one night stay in a Eco Lodge:
>> Conservation Fees help us to keep our conservation projects, to help to protect the Biodiversity and Nature of the Rainforest and its amazing biodiversity
Balam Ku